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Exhausted product

Dextera - Silver white - Ear nails - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Luna - Rose golden multicolored - Earrings - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Idyllia - Golden Green - Earrings - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Stilla - Golden red - Heart - Earrings - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Matrix - Silver white - Earrings - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Stone - Silver white - Creoles - Swarovski
Exhausted product

Matrix - Golden Multicolor - Earrings - Swarovski
Frequent questions
All our jewelry and accessories are guaranteed for 1 year
A tracking number will be communicated to you to follow your shipments 24/24.
You have a month from receipt of the product to exchange it or have you reimbursed.